What is an Artist?

To me, the definition of an artist in the 21st century is any person who has the ability to create an original, non-massed-produced work that influences and affects the senses and emotions of an audience. Their pieces are entirely unique in themselves and are direct products of human creativity and imagination. In today’s society, an artist may be anything from a painter or sculptor, to a choreographer or composer. In essence, artists are people who create pieces that have an impact on or change others. In my opinion, a true modern-day artist is able to create something that is a product of their skill and can successfully convey an experience, concept, or idea. Artists are able to express themselves in a unique way by some kind of medium or form of human activity.

While I agree that a certain amount of skill is necessary in order for one to be considered an artist, I do not think that a formal art education is a requirement. A good education in art should be respected, as it helps an artist to develop his/her skills and learn new techniques, as well as provides an artist with a solid foundation. However, one should not assume that an artist who has received a formal education is “better” than one who has not. To me, self-taught artists can have just as much skill and creativity as formally-schooled artists. I often find that self-taught artists are more unique in their works and are unbound by certain norms or principles. I think that regardless of whether or not one has been formally educated in art, if that person has enough passion to create something that will speak to others, then he/she can be considered an artist.

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One Response to What is an Artist?

  1. oweinroth says:

    “non-massed-produced” such as Koon’s and Liechtenstein’s who reproduce their work in factories and imitating other artists and objects as their main inspiration.

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