10/6 Assigment

I must say that photography is an incredible form of art. However, photography as an art must be (in my opinion) able to express the photographer’s own aspect/emotions/ideas of that image. The photographer must be able to display his/her work in a different way from what it was originally perceived as. This means that the photographer must have his/her own take on that picture and be able to portray it to the viewers. Hence, simply taking a picture of the Statue of Liberty or some famous monument does not make that picture a form of art. Rather, that picture must capture either an emotion or a moment that moves the viewer or stirs up ideas in the the viewer or clearly displays an idea of the photographer.
One good example would be the Discobolus and Bernini’s statue of David. Xiang pointed out a great aspect of this photograph. Although this picture is of another sculpture, it has so much impact on the viewer because it displays motion even if it is a still picture. For the photographer to think of this idea and to portray it clearly is a difficult task that creates the value of photography.

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