11/10 Assignment: The Importance of Beauty

In our culture, people often turn to the media for a definition of beauty. Teens gravitate to fashion magazines to figure out how they should look in terms of their weight, hairstyle and makeup. Similar magazines are just as popular with adults. People are constantly trying to match those images promoted by the magazines. Pictures in those magazines of thin models are still edited in order to make them thinner. Their facial structure is edited and their skin is touched up as well. We have become a society obsessed with being thin because that’s what the media says is beautiful. We let the media determine what facial structure and height is beautiful. People also rely on the way actors and actresses look and dress to figure out what is beautiful. The definition of beauty has changed over the years and the media is greatly responsible in today’s culture for the definition of beauty.

In art, what is considered beautiful depends on the viewer. People expect paintings and drawing to represent objects in unique way, but they still like art that is aesthetically pleasing. I think art has its own beauty and it doesn’t have to adhere to the popular definition of beauty. Artwork that challenges the current definition of beauty makes more of a statement and is beautiful in its own way.

In society, we have created a standard for beauty and anyone who doesn’t fit that description is not considered beautiful. Women are expected to have a certain figure, as well as men. Any anomalies, for example plus size women, are not considered beautiful.  People are the ones that emphasize the importance of beauty and they have decided that beauty is an absolutely necessary component in humans.

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One Response to 11/10 Assignment: The Importance of Beauty

  1. oweinroth says:

    You have made a distinction between the way we treat humans and works of art. The question to ask is: if there is an absolute beauty, If both Humans and Art objects can be measured against an aesthetic yard stick.
    Nice Post.

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