Is photography art?

Those who oppose viewing photography as art base their opinions on the notion that photography is just simply a mechanical process. The job of the artist is simply to press a button and voila, your camera has done the job of capturing an image. If the practice of photography is related to any field it might most closely relate to science, not art. Although there this is true to some extent, we know some images are better than others, and not only because a “better camera” was used. Photographers work just as an artist in the sense that they seek to portray a message in their work. There is technique to photography. One must learn and be knowledgeable in certain aspects of photography to maximize their skill. This concept is harder to grasp because one may be inclined to think, whomever has the best camera, has the best picture. This may not be the case. A novice with an exceptional camera may take an average picture of something while an expert with a more modest camera could create a masterpiece. The camera is a tool, but even more than that, it is a complement to the artist’s mind.

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One Response to Is photography art?

  1. oweinroth says:

    Since this is more then a month late, you must have forgotten to give an example from our visit to the MOMA.

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