What is beauty?

I do not believe that beauty can have just one definition, though I do believe there are certain qualities that are often thought of as beautiful. Society and culture definitely influence how we perceive beauty, but it is ultimately nature that influences our opinion on what is attractive.

Women are often objectified in the media and criticized for being idealized. They are usually young and flawless, with symmetrical faces, thin bodies, and gorgeous features.  The reason why men might prefer younger, dark, long haired women is due to our genetics. A younger woman is better able to reproduce, and long and dark hair is a sign of good health. A symmetrical body and face show that there are no genetic abnormalities. Thin wasn’t always considered beautiful à at the beginning of the 20th century, Lillian Russell, at a weight of over 200 pounds, was considered a reigning sex symbol. However, during this time, a woman who was voluptuous could be considered beautiful because it meant she was healthy and well-fed during a time where food was less available. In today’s world, being stick skinny isn’t generally considered beautiful; women should be thin, but still have meat on their bones.

For the most part, what we find beautiful is biologically set in our genes. However, with the growth of culture and society, there are many different things that people can find beautiful. Some people prefer the beauty of nature, while others love paintings or sculptures. People find different colors and scenes beautiful, so it is more difficult to determine why people have personal opinions of what is beautiful. Our perception of beauty has definitely changed countless times since humans have existed, and it is likely that it will continue to change. Biological traits of beauty are more likely to be consistent, and easier to explain. Art, music, and other things that people find beautiful will constantly be changing.

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One Response to What is beauty?

  1. oweinroth says:

    And yet, there are things in Art that never change, we still find Greek statues aesthetically pleasing, the colors of a well cut diamonds dazzling and the architecture of Saint Paul cathedral beautiful. Very nice post.

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