“Science is able to prove things through experiments and observations. Biology is able to explain the functions of living things through observations of cells and organisms. Chemistry is able to provide explanations about the chemical make up of the world. Physics explains the mechanical aspect.” -Sadia
Daniel also mentioned Albert Einstein’s quote, ““It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.”
I agree with both of them, generally. As I was skimming through the previous blog posts by the other students, I noticed we all generally could agree that science is factual whereas art is expressive. Hence, when we refer to our understanding of the world, it is based on facts, mostly. From day one of our schooling, we learn science, history, grammar/spelling and math. Everything has been passed down from way back forever. All these concepts we learn have already been accepted and taught by many generations. Hence, we believe them and we rely on these facts to understand how the world came about.
However, art is opinionated. Art is expressive, descriptive, and emotional. It is created by humans. Math and science have been acquired by humans. Humans have learned through repeated trials that something is a fact. Art was derived from a human form of expression. It is easier to rely on something that has been proven than something that can easily change throughout time. Like Kevin mentioned, art cannot resist the time barrier. Views on popular culture and society are constantly changing and different art movements spring up in response to those changes. Art is a constantly developing form of expression. It cannot be explained, and it cannot be tied down. It cannot have equations like math and science to prove itself. It is an attitude.
Nonetheless, I do feel like art is necessary and important in life. It is a gateway to learning about the various emotions and opinions humans have on each other and on society. And the opinions we get as viewers are also appreciated by artists. It is a cycle. If viewers didn’t appreciate art, there would be no art. There would be no form of entertainment. There would be no form of insight on life. Believing in art is almost like believing in a religion. You doubt it, you criticize it, and you neglect it. Yet you love it, you admire it, and you defend it. It is a part of human nature.
I find your last paragraph inspiring. But let me once again put doubt in your mind: Have you come across studies in Chaos theory, or probability in Math (a science?). Have you looked at medical experiments that did not discover the correct medication for a disease? Did you know that until a few years back we did not know how many planets we had in our solar system. Did you know that the only way for us to record science was with the help of art, by illustrating plants and copying anatomical data.
There are people who will view science as a religion as well, as would the anti-darwinian lot who would refute the study of evolution.
Maybe we have to ask “what is science?”.
We search to understand the world around us, and that is one of the methods we devised to investigate it. The Arts are the method we express ourselves, and in many cases, that is the way we are inspired to explore further our world.
Yes, definitely I agree that science is influenced and in a way, part of Art. That’s why whenever Xiang finds a molecular structure beautiful, it is logical in his eyes. I think when comparing art and science, it is difficult because both subjects reflect each other. Both subjects further each other into more explorations and more developments in the world.