New York Then and Now

Hassam’s Brooklyn Bridge in winter, with very minimal background, likely because of the architectural underdevelopment at the time. The vanishing point is in the distance of the bridge’s towers, as perspective is leading the eye in that direction. A major change between Hassam’s picture and modern day is the presence of benches in his contemporary Brooklyn Bridge.
Brooklyn Bridge
This picture recaptures Hassam’s image of New York’s Brooklyn Bridge. The vanishing point is the second tower of the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance, visible behind the first tower, like in Hassam’s original. The overall environment of the photograph is sunnier than the painting, and obviously more detailed. It is clear that my picture is more modern simply because of the development in the background. It is clear that the world around the Brooklyn Bridge has changed, though the bridge is highly similar.

2 thoughts on “New York Then and Now”

  1. Dear Nico,

    A very nice photograph.

    Did you have a hard time posting. Please e-mail me or Fiona your post to complete your work

    1. Professor Weinroth,
      I only knew how to post the pictures in the gallery, otherwise they wouldn’t show up. I believe you must click on the pictures in order to see the descriptions.

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