Geometry and Mathematics are Beautiful

I do not believe that the use of mathematical symmetry and geometry in art limits beauty or truth. Symmetry and order make up the world, and can be seen in both the human body and in nature. Tessellations, the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio, and fractals are all mathematical, yet seen as beautiful aspects of nature. The symmetry is what makes many things aesthetically pleasing, and without it, things can appear chaotic, and often ugly. When these same symmetries and shapes that are present in nature are represented in art, they do not limit the piece’s beauty—they contribute to it. Truth lies in order, and I think by creating something that is mathematically correct, an artist is being more truthful to the way things actually are than if he just painted without any set guidelines. While beauty and truth can definitely be seen outside of the mathematical realm, numbers and symmetry can add to a piece’s veracity and appearance.