Review of the New York Philharmonic Open Rehearsal

The New York Philharmonic Orchestras rehersal was enlightening. As a novice of classical music and orchestras in general, i did not have any expectations and could not say whether i was someone who appreciated classical music or orchestras in general. That changed by the end.

My lack of knowledge was so obvious and acute that after the orchestra had finished warming up (with scales probably), i turned to my classmate and said “they don’t seem very good,” thinking that was an actual piece. However, when the first piece actually did begin i was taken aback by the deepness and complexity of the music which seemed to fill the room. I have heard scores in the background of movies, i had never heard one live, and it was different to say the least. The music had a sort of fullness and gave a certain satisfaction, particularly when the trumpets and other brass instruments were included. The conductor was not too over the top but still seemed to be doing his job from what i could tell, and some of the most interesting moments were when he would stop the music and verbally engage the musicians. I could not here what he was saying but people in the front row often laughed and he was no doubt offering his constructive criticism. It was interesting to see how a professional conductor interacts with  a professional orchestra.

Despite my appreciating for the orchestra’s uniqueness, i was not entertained by it. I have great veneration for the musicians and i understand why other people appreciate it, to me it was like a bad movie with great effects- impressive and sometimes captivating, but not something i would go to again. My interest had reached its peak in the first 5 minutes and was reduced to boredom after the first piece. The entire performance seemed entirely too long, though i cannot say for sure since i am not exactly an aficionado. Those around me who understand and like classical music seemed to have found the music very enjoyable, for a novice like myself, it was not.