Welcome to Macaulay Honors Seminar III: Science Forward

This is the course website for Science Forward, Fall 2017. This site is the place where you will submit your all-important weekly assignments, ask questions, add comments and receive feedback from both your instructor and your classmates.

On this site, you’ll also find pretty much all of the resources that you need for the class:

* Your syllabus which includes all readings, assignments and important dates
* The instructions for completing and posting your weekly reading assignments
* All the readings for the class
* Contact information and office hours for Professor Weltman-Fahs and your ITF:

Instructor: Maya Weltman-Fahs (mw482@cornell.edu)
Meeting Time:  Fridays 11:00 am – 1:40 pm
Location: MHC Commons
Office Hours: via email, by appointment, or immediately after class

Instructional Technology Fellow: Kevin Ambrose (kevin.ambrose@macaulay.cuny.edu)