Ashley Singh
Research Question
In a day of exponentially growing dependence on technological devices that rely on radiation emittance, what are the effects of cell phone radiation/ similar producers of radiation on human biological processes, specifically in the brain?
Rather than an experiment, the authors of this article begin to web together evidence to make an analysis about the effects of cell phone radiation on the human body. The authors of the article combined recent studies to make conclusions about the plausible effects on the human biological system. The article then sites evidence, makes an analysis about that evidence and then links it with another piece of evidence. This chronology of a series of evidence begins to tell a story of how the human body is effected by the first event: an emission of a radio-frequency and electromagnetic radiations. Moreover, there is a catalog of different experiments to show effects of radiation on different subjects, a that eventually lead up human cells and subjects that may emulate the same effects as the human brain. The study group varied, ranging from rats to human cells to zebra finches.This compilation of evidence suggests the idea of harm to the human biological system as a theory, but further research is needed to pinpoint if the harm is possibly too much stress on the human body.
Kesari, K. K., Siddiqui, M. H., Meena, R., Verma, H. N., & Kumar, S. (2013, March 01). Cell phone radiation exposure on brain and associated biological systems. Retrieved August 27, 2017, from
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