Global Footprint Network
Trial 1: March 7, 5.6 Earths
Trial 2: March 4, 5.8 Earths
The Nature Conservancy:
Trial 1: 60 Tons CO2, 23% Better
Trial 2: 63 Tons CO2, 19% Better
The results I received on the Ecological Footprint tests were both scary and shocking. I knew I wasn’t the model for environmental friendliness, but I never imagined that I was damaging the Earth at almost 6 times the rate it can repair itself. Through the tests, I’ve noticed my biggest issue is my transportation. I was at the top end of mileage and at the bottom for fuel efficiency. That’s a nightmare combination for the environment. Also, my food consumption seemed to be a problem. I maxed out the chart for meat consumption and consumed a minuscule amount of fruits and vegetables. The issue there is that its easier and quicker to replenish the fruit and vegetable supply rather than the meat supply. Vegetables grow quick, but animals take years to mature, so supply is limited to what we have now, and if everyone ate like me, we could run out of meat, which would be a problem. After noting my two biggest issues, I know there are a few changes I could make without sacrificing my lifestyle too much. Driving too much with my gas guzzler car is my biggest issue. I would still drive to school because that is a major obligation, but I admittedly could cut out some of the useless driving I do. Meat eating was my other major issue. There’s no way I could stop eating meat, but I could stop getting double portions every time I go out and substitute the extra meat with some fruits and vegetables. Energy efficiency was also one of my issues. I’m pretty careless when it comes to my electric and oil and gas usage. Being more aware of that is a change I could make. I could not have the T.V. and my computer on at the same time because I can’t watch both anyway. I could make sure lights are off in rooms I’m not in and turn the A.C. off when I’m not home, or open the windows if the weather’s nice. These are some small changes, but with a carbon footprint like mine, any small change in the right direction is vital.
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