Before: How I live Now
6 and a half planets
79 total footprints
After: How I want to live
3 Planets
54 steps
I’ve always known that I was never a really energy-saving, earth-friendly person even though I wanted to be. I don’t really consume a lot of vegetables. I leave my air-conditioning on all night. I like driving more than public transportation. The lights I use at home are so bright that one can go blind. I always knew my habits weren’t the best, but I never really thought how much it can influence the planet, because I’m sure I am not the only one like this. For the before numbers, I wrote down how my current living situation, and for my after, I wrote down how I would want to live, while still remaining sane.
Not only is eating a lot of meat bad for the environment, it is also bad for one’s diet so I have decided to cut down meat ( but not completely), and try to consume more vegetables. I used to take public transportation all the time, until I started driving. Once I started driving, I did not want to go back to transportation. There was this one point in my life where I despise public transportation so much to the point where when I didn’t have my car, I would uber. This semester, I had to take public transportation to get to school, and I realized it really isn’t that bad, so I decided to take it more often. I also tried to think about, turning off my AC before I go to sleep, turning off the lights when no one is using it.
Once I changed those habits, I went from 6 and a half planets to only 3 planets, while still living a comfortable lifestyle. I know for sure that I am not the only person living the way I do now, and there may be people living in a more luxurious setting, and some that doesn’t, but all those numbers add up. After doing this assignment, I really thought about changing the little habits I have, because I’m sure it will make some type of a difference. For both of the carbon steps, I did receive a percentage that was “worse than the average people”. My first percentage was I believe 20, while my second percentage was 10, so that is still an improvement. This assignment was actually very interesting, because I never realized how much of the little things I do can effect something much larger.
report what you change and what goind thru those mindsets of ur life
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