Day September 15, 2017

Research Study

The focus of this research study was to assess the effect of no medication on hospitalization and death involving patients with diabetes. The researchers conducted the study based on 11, 532 patients in a medical care setting named Kaiser Permanente… Continue Reading →

Assignment#4: Data

Data plays a major role in the process of information research. In a modern world, information sharing became part of everyone’s everyday life. From Facebook posts to personal texts, information can be obtained in a matter of seconds. At the… Continue Reading →

Assignment 4: Data and Analysis

Response: The article that I choose to read about was on the topic of air pollution and its effects on a human’s lifespan after long term exposure. They claim that the pollution and its negative effects can cause the human… Continue Reading →

Assignment #4: Data Analysis

The scientific experiment that I investigated involved using creatine as a treatment for Huntington’s Disease. The study lasted from 2009 to 2014 after 553 participants showing early signs of Huntington’s had volunteered. The study involved separating the participants into a… Continue Reading →

Research Question Ideas

What is the science behind the making of laws? Why is imprinting stronger in certain types of birds- for example ducks? Are our day-to-day interactions helped by social media or hurt?

Assignment 4: Data and Analysis

Ashley Singh Title: “Safety evaluation and risk assessment of electronic cigarettes as tobacco cigarette substitutes: a systematic review” Summary: In today’s society, the use of technology to mitigate the process of reducing tobacco intake and ultimately stop it altogether. While… Continue Reading →


Phelps, Joseph, et al. “Privacy Concerns and Consumer Willingness to Provide Personal Information.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, vol. 19, no. 1, 2000, pp. 27–41.,   This study was conducted in order to determine the boundaries that marketers and… Continue Reading →

Assignment 4

Damschroder Laura J., Joy L. Prittsc, Michael A. Neblod, Rosemarie J. Kalarickalb , John W. Creswelle , Rodney A. Haywarda ”Patients, privacy and trust: Patients’ willingness to allow researchers to access their medical records” Social Science and Medicine 64 (2007)… Continue Reading →

Research Question Ideas

Does playing video games as a child increase cognitive ability? How is digital learning changing schools and education? Have texting and social media damaged this generation’s ability to communicate in person?

Research Question Ideas

Why does federal policy prioritize privacy over safety? How does social media inhibit or advance interpersonal skills? Does technology in the classroom advance learning?

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