Category Assignments

Assignment 4

Damschroder Laura J., Joy L. Prittsc, Michael A. Neblod, Rosemarie J. Kalarickalb , John W. Creswelle , Rodney A. Haywarda ”Patients, privacy and trust: Patients’ willingness to allow researchers to access their medical records” Social Science and Medicine 64 (2007)… Continue Reading →

Assignment 4: Data Collection and Analysis

Manuel Francisco Cifuentes Summary: Wind turbines, though useful as a renewable source of energy, has the drawback of being very noisy when active. This study, called “Wind Turbine Noise, Annoyance and Self-Reported Health and Well-Being in Different Living Environments.” by… Continue Reading →

Indirect effect of temperature on fish population abundances through phenological changes (Assignment 4)

Citation: Kuczynski, Lucie, et al. “Indirect Effect of Temperature on Fish Population Abundances through Phenological Changes.” Plos One, vol. 12, no. 4, 2017, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175735. Summary: In this experiment, researchers explored temperature dynamics of freshwater fish phenology and abundances using migratory… Continue Reading →

Assignment 4: Data Set and Analysis techniques

“9 facts that explain DACA, the immigration program Trump is threatening to end” The article discusses how many people are actually relying on DACA and analyzes how people have benefited from DACA . Data sets in this article: the average… Continue Reading →

Assignment 4: Data and Analysis

Response: The article titled “Drivers don’t ignore a ringing phone but do ignore the risk,” published by the Queensland University of Technology, focuses primarily on the act of answering a ringing phone while operating a vehicle. Many people know by… Continue Reading →

Assignment 4: Data and Analysis

Oakden-Rayner, Luke, et al. “Precision Radiology: Predicting longevity using feature engineering and deep learning methods in a radiomics framework.” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 1, Oct. 2017, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01931-w.   In this experiment, researchers at the University ofAdelaide used artificial intelligence to… Continue Reading →

Ecological Footprint

Results: Global Footprint Network Test #1 – 2.9 Earths / May 5th Test #2 – 2.5 Earths / May 28th   The Nature Conservancy Test #1 – 13 Tons / 28% better Test #2 – 11 Tons / 39% better… Continue Reading →

News Bias

Bias has been prominent in the news articles we read. The news articles I looked at pertained to adding a debt ceiling for Hurricane Harvey. U.S. House of Representative has passed a legislation where the government will provide $15.25 billion… Continue Reading →

Ecological Footprint

Actual consumptive behavior   Overshoot day: March 13 5.1 earths would be needed. Footprint: 51 tons CO2/ year, 14% better than Average Minimum acceptable levels Overshoot day: April 25th 3.2 earths would be needed. Footprint: 21 tons CO2/year, 68% better… Continue Reading →

Ecological Footprint Results

Results: Global Footprint Network First attempt – 3 Earths / May 1st Second attempt – 1.9 Earths / July 8th   The Nature Conservancy First attempt – 52 Tons / 33% better Second attempt – 42 Tons / 46% better… Continue Reading →

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