Category Assignment 1 – research question and experimental design

Assignment 1: Students will locate an article on a topic of interest and read it to extract the research question and experimental design. Post the article citation and a summary of the research question and experimental design on eportfolios, and be prepared to present your findings to the class.

Assignment #1: Research Question and Experimental Design

Gold Nano Particles Fry Cancer on Glowing Mice Research Question: The research question that is proposed in this article is, “Can cancer be beat with the use of the gold nano particles?” With the use of bio luminescence and frequency… Continue Reading →

Assignment #1: Research Question & Experimental Design

Spinning Plant Waste into Carbon Fiber for Cars, Planes   American Chemical Society. “Spinning plant waste into carbon fiber for cars, planes.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 August 2017. <>.   Research Question: The question this article addresses is how to more effectively… Continue Reading →

Assignment 1: Research Question & Experimental Design

Citation: Meda, Shashwath A., et al. “Longitudinal influence of alcohol and marijuana use on academic performance in college students.” PLoS ONE, vol. 12, no. 3, 2017, p. e0172213. Academic OneFile, Accessed 31 Aug. 2017. Research Question: The research question this article presents… Continue Reading →

Research Question/ Experimental Design

Research Question: How can optogenics be used as a mechanism for remodeling the circuitry of the brain to stop the behavioral manifestations of addiction?   Experimental Design: The principles of the study were first tested ex vivo. The results obtained… Continue Reading →

Research Question and Experimental Design

Assignment 1: Research Question Cox, Gary W., and Jonathan N. Katz. “Why Did the Incumbency Advantage in U.S. House Elections Grow?” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 40, no. 2, May 1996, pp. 478–497., doi:10.2307/2111633. Accessed 25 Aug. 2017. The question… Continue Reading →

Assignment #1: Avian Blood Excesses and Deficiencies: Urban vs. Rural

The real title: Multi-Element Analysis of Blood Samples in a Passerine Species: Excesses and Deficiencies of Trace Elements in an Urbanization Study. Yes it is a long title. Research Question: Urbanization over these past few hundred years have caused a… Continue Reading →

Assignment 1: Research Question & Design

Ashley Singh Research Question In a day of exponentially growing dependence on technological devices that rely on radiation emittance, what are the effects of cell phone radiation/ similar producers of radiation on human biological processes, specifically in the brain? Design… Continue Reading →

Griffith Experiment

Hayes, W. (1966). Genetic Transformation: a Retrospective Appreciation First Griffith Memorial Lecture. Journal of General Microbiology, 45(3), 385-397. doi:10.1099/00221287-45-3-385 Research question:  The original purpose of Griffith’s experiment was to test whether or not the bacteria synthesized their own polysaccharide capsule…. Continue Reading →

Assignment 1 : Research Question and Experimental Design

Research Question:  The research question in this article is, does non medical use of prescription drugs cause suicidal thoughts and attempts in adolescents? Adolescents may use opioids , sedatives and other prescription drugs in attempts to control depression. This research… Continue Reading →

Assignment#2: Cyber Security

For this part of our assignment, I did more research on the subject. According to the article published in the provided source, new industries are quickly expanding, requiring additional resources and support. Maintaining a large network of computers is often… Continue Reading →

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