Category Research

Annotated Bibliography   Kayla Fontaine Grace Tan Noorulain Paracha

Annotated Bibliography Matthew Damiani, Chris Harris, Egor Semeniak

Proposed Research Question

Group Members: Ashley Singh, Rebecca Del Vecchio, and Timothy Mooney   Proposed Research Question: Do college students that eat healthier perform better in school?     Citations:   Capano, Joanne. “Nutritious Meals Make Better Grades.”, 25 Apr. 2010,…. Continue Reading →

Proposed Research Question

Is preference for technology a socialization or an innate affinity? Sharfa Ahmad Francisco Cifuentes Joseph Ardezzone Sources: Ashton, D. N. (2004), The impact of organisational structure and practices on learning in the workplace. International Journal of Training and Development, 8:… Continue Reading →

Proposed research question

Group Members: Kayla, Grace, Noorulain Question : How does rainfall affect the water quality for local fish species( temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, food sources) ? Citations: Castellane, Paulo D. “Effects of Rainfall on Water Quality in Six Sequentially Disposed… Continue Reading →

Proposed Research Question   Matthew Damiani Chris Harris Egor Seminack

Research Question Ideas

What is the science behind the making of laws? Why is imprinting stronger in certain types of birds- for example ducks? Are our day-to-day interactions helped by social media or hurt?

Research Question Ideas

Does playing video games as a child increase cognitive ability? How is digital learning changing schools and education? Have texting and social media damaged this generation’s ability to communicate in person?

Research Question Ideas

Ashley Singh What are the effects of nano-robotic medical applications on the human body? What are the effects of vegetarianism vs meat-eating on a baby during pregnancy? What are the effects of meal replacement plans such as Soylent on the… Continue Reading →

Research Question Ideas

How does the behavior of Monk Parrots (Myiopsitta monachus) change throughout the day in the urban environment of New York City? What is the effect of filtration on the survival rate of goldfish? What are the effects of caffeine on… Continue Reading →

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