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Project Proposal Diet vs. GPA Ashley Singh, Rebecca Del Vecchio, and Timothy Mooney  

Annotated Bibliography   Manuel Francisco Cifuentes, Sharfa Ahmad, Joe Ardezzone

Proposed Research Question

Ashley Singh, Rebecca Del Vecchio, and Timothy Mooney Google Doc Link:  

Research Question Ideas

What is the science behind the making of laws? Why is imprinting stronger in certain types of birds- for example ducks? Are our day-to-day interactions helped by social media or hurt?

Research Question Ideas

Why does federal policy prioritize privacy over safety? How does social media inhibit or advance interpersonal skills? Does technology in the classroom advance learning?

Research Question Ideas

How does artificial light attract fish? How do various fish species affect the ecosystem around them (plant life, other animals , etc)? How does rainfall affect a fishes habitat (water quality , plant life, fallen trees)?

Ecological Footprint

Ashley Singh My Ecological Footprint In the state that earth is right now, it is imperative that humans, one of the stressors on the planet. Taking the footprint calculator test and the free carbon calculator test, helped me see how… Continue Reading →

Assignment 3: Bias in Media

Ashley Singh Bias in Media The world is changing around us. Our home, Earth, is unquestionably under an existing pressure put on by advancing humans. A major issue that we face every day, regardless of what jobs or activities one… Continue Reading →

Assignment 2- Mini Research Project

Sharfa Ahmad Ashley Singh Question: How can compounds in turmeric, specifically curcumin, impact the growth, repair and aging of neural and brain cells? Background: Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a plant belonging to the ginger herb family that grows exclusively… Continue Reading →

Assignment #1: Avian Blood Excesses and Deficiencies: Urban vs. Rural

The real title: Multi-Element Analysis of Blood Samples in a Passerine Species: Excesses and Deficiencies of Trace Elements in an Urbanization Study. Yes it is a long title. Research Question: Urbanization over these past few hundred years have caused a… Continue Reading →

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