How to post
In order to write a post, drag the pointer over “+ New” on the gray menu bar at the top of your browser window when at the class site. Select “Post” from the menu that drops down.
On the “Add New Post” screen you may then write your post following these steps:
- Give your post a headline. A HEADLINE, something that grabs the attention and captures the spirit of what you’ve written, not something like “Assignment #1.”
- Write your post in the big box below the smaller title box.
- CATEGORIZE your post. This is very, very important. If you do not properly categorize your post, your professor will not be able to find it and you will not get credit for doing it. It is possible the post won’t even appear on the site at all. You can find the “Categories” box to the right of the post box. Click on all the categories that apply (in this case your name and the assignment name).
- Publish your post. You will see a box with the heading “Publish” somewhere above the categories box. Click the “Publish” button inside. If you do so accidentally you can always go back and edit the post.