Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
Inequality in the Job Market

 There lies great inequality in labor opportunities and wage in America for minorities and women. We claim to have grown as a society and to have become less racist and discriminatory, but when it comes to the job market it is evident that there is still much progress to be made. The inequality becomes evident when comparing the experience of a black job applicant faces to that of a white applicant. In a social experiment, discussed in “Realities of Race and Criminal Record in NYC Job Market,” it was found that “blacks are only slightly more than half as likely to receive consideration by employers relative to equally qualified white applicants,” and as sad and unfortunate as that is I feel that we have come to just accept this fact in our society and not do much to change it or even recognize it as a real issue. What I found especially alarming, that really put the issue in perspective for me was that even as after committing a felony, a white applicant is just as good as a black one. For a white applicant with a criminal record to be given the same consideration as a black applicant for a job opportunity it is absolutely astonishing; something has to be done about the inequality in the job market.

     Women are also disadvantaged in the job market, but it is the poor ones that do the heavy lifting for the rest. While they do get jobs and wages that they can support their families with, it is unfortunate that those jobs are outside of their countries and that they must leave their young children in order to support them financially. Isn’t it ironic that a woman leaves her children behind in order to raise the children of another woman. The real disadvantage for women though lies in the fact that unlike men, women are still expected to support and raise their kids and they must hire other woman to do that in order to be able to compete in a male-dominated professional world.

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