Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
My Syrian Background

I am so eager to talk about my background history because it really shaped me to who I am today. My parents were both born in Syria in the 1970’s. Life in Syria at that time was not simple. The Syrian Jews established themselves rather well, despite living among the duress of the Syrian government. […]

Race, Gender and Labor

The quantitative analysis does not lie. “Race at Work,” by by Devah Pager and Bruce Western details an experiment regarding hiring discrimination based on race. The study shows that black and Hispanic men receive significantly less positive call-backs from employers when compared to white men. This trend was found even when white men were portrayed […]

The Relations Between Gender, Race and Employment

Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Rothschild’s “Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy” illustrates an unfortunate reality that is the result of increasing gender equality and globalization, two supposedly positive events. This makes me question why such seemingly progressive processes have resulting in the creation of undesirable situations for thousands upon thousands of […]

Roots Exercise

Roots are a part of what defines the individual. My roots are complicated by the fact that my parents’ nationality and culture contrasts with my own. Furthermore, having an identity different from the mainstream American culture have also presented some problems. However, despite the drawbacks, I came to realize that my roots have brought me […]

My Roots

My name is Batsheva Ettinger. I am a highly motivated, pre-dental, American, Jewish girl. The person I am today is very strongly influenced by my roots. Looking back at my father’s parents who immigrated from Poland and my mother’s parents who were born and raised in Brooklyn, both played a major role in my development […]

Inequality in the Job Market

 There lies great inequality in labor opportunities and wage in America for minorities and women. We claim to have grown as a society and to have become less racist and discriminatory, but when it comes to the job market it is evident that there is still much progress to be made. The inequality becomes evident […]

My Roots

Both of my parents are immigrants. But contrary to the typical “rags to riches” story that many immigrants have, my parents made their stories sound plain and simple. We overcame this obstacle, but it doesn’t really mean anything. We got this job, we got that job. We raised a family. Although my parents made their […]

Women Battling against Inequality

What is equality? Can we ever achieve it or is it just a figment of our imagination from a utopian society or more so a communist one? Well to answer these pompous questions one must embark on a journey of self realization and more importantly history. Inequality isn’t a recent issue it has been around […]

I suspect there are some things we just accept to be true, never question, never think about, that we’ve maintained since childhood. Here is a horrible set of assumptions: if a non-white woman is pushing a white baby in a stroller, she is hired help; if a white woman is pushing a non-white baby in a […]

Reflections on Race, Gender and Labor

“Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy” by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Rothschild bring attention to the unfortunate side effects of greater equality for women in the western world. The fact that western women have renounced housework and childcare in favor of paid jobs has triggered an ever-increasing demand for other women […]