Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City A Macaulay Honors Seminar taught by Prof. Karen Williams at Brooklyn College

Spring 2016: The Peopling of New York City
Posts Tagged ‘week 11’
The Crime of Jumping Turnstiles

Arresting a criminal for breaking a law is just, given that the law itself is morally sturdy. Is jumping a turnstile truly immoral? On the one hand, it deleteriously affects the MTA workers whose salary depends on the meager $2.50. On the other hand, many people, who live “in poverty,” may rely on the subway […]

Women Battling against Inequality

What is equality? Can we ever achieve it or is it just a figment of our imagination from a utopian society or more so a communist one? Well to answer these pompous questions one must embark on a journey of self realization and more importantly history. Inequality isn’t a recent issue it has been around […]

The Forms of Transnational Mothering

The migration of impoverished workers from developing countries to those already developed is akin to a transaction. By tending to work deemed unsatisfactory by middle to upper-class women, migrant workers improve their families’ financial backing to the extent that they become the primary breadwinners within their households. The term household is used loosely in describing […]