The Technological future of NYC- Mohammed Arafa

I would say that most people in NYC have become more and more dependent on Technology. For example New Yorkers depend on Technology for transportation, paying their bills and even finding a place to eat. I would say even I am extremely dependent on technology for schoolwork and even my day-to-day life. For example since I commute from Staten Island with my phone I can find out exactly when the bus is coming, about what time ill get to school and I can even read my textbook all on my phone. Also these technological breakthroughs that make our lives easier, also make new innovations and breakthroughs easier. For example with the technological breakthrough of the computer many modern day scientists can now run calculations in seconds when previously it would take weeks. However with the introduction and dependence on technology come a lot of problems that were never there before. For example with the automation of factories, factory workers are in short demand. However you could see a large increase in the demand for software engineers and computer experts. This presents more problems. Firstly the demand for these positions may not create nearly as many jobs as there were factory jobs, which leads to a lot of unemployment. Secondly to fill these positions you need highly trained people most likely college graduates. While this creates jobs for college graduates it displaces and unemployed those without the means for this kind of education and training. While there is no doubt in my mind that New York will become more and more technologically dependent some day in the future we might be the ones with the outdated skills and so we must make sure that we balance our technological development as a city as to not displace those who have not adapted to the technological breakthroughs.

One thought on “The Technological future of NYC- Mohammed Arafa

  • March 4, 2016 at 5:06 am

    You do well to ask about the number of jobs that will be created, Mohammed. Even worse for college graduates–except software engineers and web developers–employers want workers with very specific skills, geared to the specific technologies they are using at the moment, and those skills can be taught by specialized schools rather than universities.

    Which materials from the readings would be useful to cite?

    Professor Zukin


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