Macaulay Faculty Instructions for using Google Meet:
Please practice using Google Meet at least once BEFORE you need it! Please ask your TLC (ITF) for any help or assistance you may need.
To use Google Meet for your class session, you or your TLC will have to start a session so that students may join.
In order to start (not to join) a Google Meet session, you must have an account.
- If you do not have one, and would like to have an account, please request one by using this form . If you would like to have and use this account, please be sure to request it before you need it.
- If you do not have an account and don’t want to be bothered with one, you can also use the generic faculty account.
Password: available from your ITF/TLC or email
Google Meet works in Chrome or Firefox, but not Safari. You can also download it as an app on your phone or tablet.
To start a meeting or class:
- 5-10 minutes before you want to begin the class, Go to
- If you are already logged in to a non-Macaulay gmail account, you will see a message “Your account only lets you join meetings.” If you are not logged in at all, you will see a message “You’re not logged in with an account that can start meetings.” In either case, go to the upper right corner of the window and click either the “sign in” link or the little picture or icon to switch accounts.
- Log in to an account (either your own or the generic faculty account (information above). A Macaulay account gives you this access.
- Click “Join or Start a Meeting”
- Enter a name for your meeting (your class title would be good)
- Allow Google Meet to use your camera and microphone when asked
- Click “Join Now” (NOT “Present”)
- A small window will pop up with Joining info for your meeting. Copy and paste this into an email and send it to your students.
- Be sure that you have their email addresses ahead of time! And tell them to expect this email with joining info just before the class starts. Also included in this info will be a Dial-in number for students who don’t have internet access.
- Close that joining info window and You are ready to go!
Students may use their account (all students already have them) or any gmail account. Or they may join without logging in at all. The process above is not necessary for joining the meeting, only for starting it. Students will have fewer steps to gain access.