CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009
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1 jessicadarling { 04.07.09 at 6:55 pm }

Hey Angelo,

Great podcast. I liked the music, it was very jazzy and contemporary sounding. This helped with the relaxing and content mood that you were trying to create. The pictures of lush lawns on a sunny day further set the mood, and you end the podcast well, on a light note.

2 Galina Aynbund { 04.07.09 at 10:08 pm }

Hey Angelo,
What a great podcast! I thought it was very effective to use just a few pictures and focus on each one in depth to convey the relaxed, rather slow-paced environment of your neighborhood. I also like how you zoom in on the scenario of neighbors conversing and a couple looking to buy a house that is for sale. Great job!

3 David Gall { 04.08.09 at 11:53 pm }

Well Angelo, I can’t say I’m surprised. You did a wonderful job. The photos were beautiful and made your neighborhood look like a fairy tale. You should definitely make commercials and advertisements because this is absolutely magnificent. I love how you described the situations as they were happening. Everything mixed in so well, the music, photos, and your words just seemed to blend into a perfect little puree.

4 ernestwong { 04.20.09 at 7:28 pm }

You never cease to amaze me with your work. The transitioning from scene to scene matched perfectly with the words, and the language you used was so descriptive that I could picture myself standing there at that very moment myself! This was a great introduction to your neighborhood.

5 Julian { 04.21.09 at 12:17 pm }

Perfect soliloquy for an Angelo sitcom. Great timing on the background music, great emphasis (“Relax.” Yes sir.) It’s tough to do observations visually (as awkward as that sounds) but I think the way you put it together kept everything in order so well that it flowed.

6 John Maciuika { 04.28.09 at 3:44 pm }

I thought I had commented on this excellent podcast, but apparently I had not! It is a very personal and observant podcast, catching many aspects and nuances of your neighborhood along with the quality of life in it. Great work!

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