Food Tour Around Brighton Beach

Glechik Cafe
The types of people inside, the types of employees, their ages, the languages they speak, the atmosphere, the food served, the drinks served, and the prices of the items on the menu were all things to take note of. Even the restaurant’s health inspection grade, which happens to be an A, caught my eye. The process of writing everything down and having the mindset to be on the lookout for quirky signs and happenings helps out quite a lot.
The trip was not treated as a vacation, but as a path to an objective, with time set aside for fun along the way. The menus were double-sided, with one side in English and another in Russian. Our waiter was bilingual, speaking Russian to our Russian speaking friends and English to the people who could not speak Russian. In the back of the restaurant’s seating area was a nice high definition television up on the wall.
The movie Dreamgirls was on, and the music was being played throughout the restaurant. Kvass was offered as a drink as well as the conventional soda beverages. There was a choice of vareniki with a whole bunch of different foods that could be put inside them. We chose vareniki with meat and vareniki with potato and mushrooms. Beef stroganoff was also a memorable dish.
Page 1: Introduction to Food
Page 2: M & I International
Page 3: Cafe Glechik


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