First Stop: Tompkinsville

The city that never sleeps. The melting pot of the world. The richest city in the world. The greatest city ever. It is without a doubt that much of the world has heard the legendary tales of New York, but how many have actually experienced it? In our Seminar Peopling of New York City class, our class dove straight into the roots of New York – The Lower East Side, Tompkinsville, Brighton Beach, and Jackson Heights – to see just how true New York can live up to its name.

From the boundaries of each neighborhood down to the city blocks and streets to the people that make up the neighborhoods, our class explored the ever-changing culture that has come about. As Jean Brillat-Savarin, a French gastronome, famously once said, “Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are”, our website will uncover the identity of New York City and its richness in culture by giving you a taste of New York.

Check out Tompkinsville

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