This is going to be a quick tutorial that will teach you how to submit your assignments to our course site.

The first thing to do is complete your assignment. Done that? Great. Then copy your assignment, sign-in to your ePortfolio account, and visit the Dashboard of our course site.

  1. Along the Menu of the left side of the screen, there is an option named Posts: scroll over it, and select Add New. NEW POST
  2. The next thing is to do is paste your assignment into the body of post, which I’ve done in the example photo below with Internet generated nonsense (probably not a good option for your assignment), and give it a title. The next step is very important. Along the right side of your post, there are options to check off a category for the post. Since this is the first assignment, check off Assignment 1, and proceed for future assignments in a similar way. This is important because it is this category that will make sure the post appears in the correct place on our course site (more on that in a minute). Finally, publish your post by clicking that green Publish button on the right! NEW POST 2
  3. Finally, go to the front-facing portion of our site by moving your cursor underneath the Home Icon at the top and selecting the Visit Page option from the drop-down menu. Scroll over the Assignments menu, and select Assignment 1.NEW POST 3
  4. Click on Assignment 1 and enjoy the fruits of your labor by viewing your post! NEW POST 4