Commentary – Elya Khaimchayeva

The five projects I thought were very interesting and well-developed…

1. A Pizza Adventure with Macaulay

I thought that the edited version of this video enhanced the quality of the project because it created an exciting experience for the audience. The use of music in this video was a key component because it made the video feel more authentic and real. Also, interviewing the people at the pizzeria brought truth to the story because real customers were involved in the process. Asking the employees for their descriptions of the food was an added bonus as well, mainly because it illustrates the respect the group had for the establishment and the people that run it. I would love to use similar tactics in my own adventure around the Macaulay neighborhood.

2. Tasty Cafe

This video was entertaining because it not only featured a great mix of songs that enhanced the audio, but also because it incorporated many other tools. The group used subtitles to create a plot that the audience can easily follow, it used Google maps to pinpoint the exact location of the cafe in the context of its immediate surroundings, and it also used an innovative feature that sped up the video during the parts at which the students were eating. Not only was it an impressive technological trick, it also functioned to eliminate any dull and unnecessary moments. I would definitely use a similar technique in my own video to make it more aesthetically interesting, and as a tool to set it apart from other videos.

3. The Empire Hotel

This video was particularly sophisticated in both its use of iconic imagery and informational subtitles at intervals. The images the group chose to use were very crisp and clean, distinguishing from other videos in that it set to portray its subject as a parallel to the format of the video. The subtitles were also useful in that they provided information the audience would otherwise not be made aware of, and provided historical facts about the hotel that highlighted its influence on the neighborhood and its unwavering elegance. The use of as a reference also enhanced the information because it provided an accountable source of information, which is vital to any project.

4. Starbucks v. the Sensuous Bean

I liked this video because it was shot almost like an adventure in the jungle, in which the group members commented on the observations they made as they traveled from one location to the other. Rather than focusing on the actual locations, the group chose to focus on the people who make those locations so special, adding a dimensional of realism to the video. I also think its important that this specific group chose not to incorporate music into their video as a way of emphasizing the priority of the people’s opinions over music that would not have been able to  convey the same points. The audio was a little rough at some points due to the background noise, but it is only another example of how city life stops for no one.

5. Julliard

This video was definitely interesting because it showed the “behind the scenes” look at the creative process the group had to endure in order to plan and complete their project. The use of the cork board was also visually stimulating and helped make the entire video seem more professional. This technique helped the group organize the different components of their video, and showcased it using a method that, to the audience, seems very advanced. I appreciated the time and effort this group took to make sure that their video was presented in an exciting way.