
For my commentary, I chose Adventures at Barnes & Noble, Magnolia’s Bakery, Julliard, Grays Papaya, and The Younger Elder. All the videos were creative and used several different methods and techniques to convey information to the audience. The videos had many common attributes, such as music, titles, and voice overs; however, they employed these techniques in very different ways.

Adventures at Barnes and Noble used an element of comedy and first person camera. They way the members of the group filmed Barnes and Noble makes it feel as if the viewer is actually touring the bookstore. In addition, all the audience members discussed their favorite aspects of Barnes and Noble, thus making me even more persuaded to go there.

Magnolia’s Bakery used a similar technique, but added different methods to it. Magnolia’s group filmed all the various points-of-view of the bakery. They focused on the creation as well as the display of the cupcakes and other desserts. Finally, I really enjoyed the end of the video where the group members discussed their favorite parts and interviewed other customers. It shed light on the reasoning behind buying and going to Magnolia’s Bakery.

The Julliard was an interesting video because it did not use voice-overs or record the group members speaking. The Julliard group recorded various clips of the school and then used to subtitles to explain every part of the school. I enjoyed listening to the music and watching the many clips.

The Gray’s Papaya group did a great job in illustrating the wonders of the wiener. The group used clips to create a movie-like effect. Particularly the beginning of the video made the video seem suspenseful and interesting. I also liked the comedy they used to promote their video and break the suspense.

Finally, The Younger Elder was an interesting video because it focused primarily on video snapshots and voice-overs. The group members interviewed church workers while simultaneously showing the audience various historical paintings and pictures. Finally they explained the reasoning behind the pictures and gave insight into the lives of church workers.