Magnolia Bakery: Making Cupcakes and Helping Haiti

Magnolia Bakery

The Delectable Display at Magnolia

Our group, including Norrell Edwards, Julia Agee, and Briar Cromartie, investigated the Magnolia Bakery at 69th St and Columbus. We decided to find out if the cupcakes are worth the hype, and along the way we learned something about the business’s effort to support Red Cross Relief in Haiti.

*What did we do? We walked from the Macaulay building to Magnolia Bakery, enjoying the snowy scenery. At the bakery, we purchased two cupcakes, and performed an objective, analytical test on the quality of the cupcakes and the relation of cupcake deliciousness to cupcake reputation. Despite our small sample size, we suspect the rumors are true. The cupcakes rock.

* Why did we choose it? We chose it because, like most adolescents, we love cupcakes. Except Briar, he didn’t have one. He claims this is not a result of cupcake hatred. He suggest we perform a similar experiment at “Sugar” and compare results. This is a possibility for future research.

* What did you learn? We learned, first of all, that we still like cupcakes, especially at Magnolia Bakery. But, perhaps more importantly we discovered that Magnolia is supporting Red Cross Relief efforts in Haiti. For ever $3 cupcake purchased, $1 is donated to the Red Cross in Haiti. So far, they have raised over $5,000.


Photos of Norrell and Julia with cupcakes:


Video from Inside of the Store:

Magnolia Bakery


