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  1. Hi My name is Malka Mermelstein. My major is Early/Special Education with a concentration in Psychology. I hope to be able to work individually with children either in a resource room or at-home visits.
  2. My expectations for this class include learning about the informal and indirect ways to learn about science and to see and understand how much science this city offers beyond the textbook. I hope this can help me in my education degree- if not in my end career, then at least in fieldwork that is part of my major requirements.
  3. During BioBlitz, I was part of the Plants group. We went to Shakespeare’s Garden and the to the Castle and the Path beyond that to look at the plants there. I participated by taking notes in the chart of what each of the plants were, noting the description given by our guide.
  4. I didn’t have a full opportunity to talk with other volunteers or scientists. However, for a few minutes, I had the chance to converse with ­­Ken. He studied the trees in Central Park for a number of years and compiled a very thorough and what he calls compulsive, guide. It was fascinating to hear about his love, admiration, and real interest in the trees, nature, and Central Park. He comes to the Park every morning to bird watch. His particular adoration of the park is its irony: a huge landscape of greenery amongst the skyscrapers of the city.
  5. I think the activity lends the opportunity to reflect and appreciate the science and nature that our city holds. Not every day offers one the chance to really stop and think about the science contained in one’s walk to the train on his way to work or to school. The BioBlitz allowed for this reflection- to ponder, study, and learn about the myriad of different aspects of science and species of nature we come across daily.
  6. The guides were extremely knowledgeable and helpful. They made sure to include each student and grab his attention and interest. The activity was a little lengthy, especially since we walked for thirty minutes or so just to get to the zone we were studying.  Similar activities are something I would consider.


One thought on “Introduction

  1. Did you learn about the origins of plants in the Shakespeare’s Garden? I am glad that you had a positive experience!

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