Category Archives: Team Boomer-aang

Team Members: Mohamed Adnan, Michelle DePrizio, James McKenzie

Week 9 Team Boomer-Aang

For this week we presented our topic to the class and in the Macaulay building. For the class presentation, we were not able to present the digital media version of our presentation. Instead, we video taped the presentation in the Macaulay building. Overall the presentation in the building was a success. We were expecting much more people, but the discussion portion went very well and we were successful in sparking interest in Nuclear Power from some of the participants. As of now, we are working on the video and we hope to present it in the Macaulay building.

Team Boomer-aang: Week 8

Yesterday we had our citizen science café!  It was a lot of fun and quite successful.  Even though we had less people than I would have liked (we had approximately 10 people; I was hoping for at least 20, if not 30), the discussion went over well.  Almost everybody participated in the discussion after the documentary, and the small number of participants kept people from interrupting each other.

The documentary is now in post-production.  We interviewed two participants in addition to filming the entire event.

We are currently going through the surveys that the participants gave us.

I thought the event was quite enjoyable – as did many of the other participants – and I would like to have more in the future.  Maybe the Macaulay chapter of Global Medical Brigades would be interested in doing one about health or a similar topic, which could be a fundraiser for them as well as an interesting event.

Week 7 Boomer-aang

We discussed how exactly we would present during class. We decided that since the video would not be created until after the presentation date, we would just make a short powerpoint presentation. In addition, we decided to split up the work of the paper to divided up the work evenly. Finally, we sent out invitation to the event for the citizen science cafe. We are hoping for a large attendance, but in order to ensure that we do get a large crowd, we are teaming up with Global Medical Brigades. They will have their members attend the cafe to discuss our topic.

Week 7: Team Boomer-aang

This week has been a highly productive one.

We have chosen our documentary, “Uranium: Is It A Country?”  Although it is an hour, it is an informative documentary that will allow us to jump into discussion of nuclear power as an energy source.

We have also created posters (posted under the assignments section of this website) to distribute.  We have also created a facebook event and an evenbrite page for people to RSVP.  Food arrangements are also being finalized.


Week 6 Team Boomer-Aang

This week I worked on the scientific paper for the project. I created a template for what we would discuss and essentially it explains about the pros and cons of Nuclear Power.

I looked into numerous primary source papers on the topic and they did a great job at explaining the modern standpoint of Nuclear Power. Here is a google doc link if you would like to view the template/draft:

As far as the cafe goes, we have actually found a lead on a professor at Stony Brook University who may drop by to provide a presentation.

(Six?) Team Boomer-aang

This week, we were unsure as to whether or not we were going to change our topic. Michelle and I were really captivated by the Imax presentation at the American Museum of Natural History concerning dark energy and dark matter. We frequently discuss those two topics, and we wondered if having the Citizen Science event center on those topics instead of nuclear power would interest more people and therefore fill more seats, but we decided against it. We’d already done quite a bit of research, so there was no need to backpedal.

Since we’re severely lacking guest speakers, we’re going to screen a documentary instead. We’re not sure which documentary we’ll screen – we’ll start watching some soon – but we’ve found a hefty bunch. I’m also going to invite people at my high school this Wednesday to the event. I’ll be printing out fliers there as well. Free ink is quite nice.

Team Boomer-aang: Week 6

We were having a difficult time finding guest speakers for the event.  So, upon the suggestion of Professor Adams, we have changed our format.

Instead of guest speakers, we are screening a documentary and then having a discussion afterwards.  This weekend I will watch a selection of nuclear power documentaries and pick one to screen.  James, Mohamed, and I will lead three groups to discuss pros and cons, and future of nuclear energy.


Week 5 Team Boomer-aang

This week we were trying to decide on whether or not we should switch topics. The reason for this is because none of the professors were able to respond to our requests to come in to present in our cafe. Consequently, if we changed the topics it may be easier to discuss them. The topics to switch to is from Nuclear Power to Dark Energy. Dark Energy was chosen as a topic because of the information in the seminar trip that sparked our interests. However, we decided that it would be best to just remain on Nuclear Power. I already did some research on NP so it would be counterproductive to start a new topic. Ultimately, we will continue with NP, but we may just present ourselves.

Week Five: Team Boomer-aang

I contacted Professor Brett Branco.

Dear Professor Branco,

My name is Michelle DePrizio.  I am currently a Brooklyn College sophomore at Brooklyn College.  Two of my classmates and I are organizing a Citizen Science Café to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power for Professor Jennifer Adams’ Science & Technology of New York seminar.  She directed me to you, saying you might have interest in being a guest speaker at this event, which will take place Friday, December 6th, at the Macaulay Honors Building (37 West 67th Street, Manhattan).  

If you are interested in speaking at this event, my classmates and I would be delighted to have you.

Hope all is well with you.

Michelle DePrizio
Brooklyn College, Class of 2016


Also, there will be some posters for tomorrow!