All posts by mohamedadnan

Chapter 9 SBS Reflection

Chapter 9 discusses how the informal learning setting can grow past beyond just the environment itself. Some of the ways for this include using media or the internet. This is a great idea such that the mobile industry is growing exponentially and carrying an extension of the informal setting allows for an extended learning experience. Although, I  believe that the informal setting can be considered any setting that does not involve sitting down and hearing a lecture or reading text. In essence, the informal setting can be as simple as a park, where a person can observe the interactions between animals or plants.

Some people are against the idea that people learn effectively through the internet. Although information may be readily available to us, it does not mean that we are not learning. In fact, we may be exposed to more topics of interest than if we did not have the internet. In my experience, I have looked up numerous topics just out of curiosity and a need to learn more. Extending the informal setting to more than just exhibits is beneficial for the future of learning.

Week 9 Team Boomer-Aang

For this week we presented our topic to the class and in the Macaulay building. For the class presentation, we were not able to present the digital media version of our presentation. Instead, we video taped the presentation in the Macaulay building. Overall the presentation in the building was a success. We were expecting much more people, but the discussion portion went very well and we were successful in sparking interest in Nuclear Power from some of the participants. As of now, we are working on the video and we hope to present it in the Macaulay building.

Week 7 Boomer-aang

We discussed how exactly we would present during class. We decided that since the video would not be created until after the presentation date, we would just make a short powerpoint presentation. In addition, we decided to split up the work of the paper to divided up the work evenly. Finally, we sent out invitation to the event for the citizen science cafe. We are hoping for a large attendance, but in order to ensure that we do get a large crowd, we are teaming up with Global Medical Brigades. They will have their members attend the cafe to discuss our topic.

Week 6 Team Boomer-Aang

This week I worked on the scientific paper for the project. I created a template for what we would discuss and essentially it explains about the pros and cons of Nuclear Power.

I looked into numerous primary source papers on the topic and they did a great job at explaining the modern standpoint of Nuclear Power. Here is a google doc link if you would like to view the template/draft:

As far as the cafe goes, we have actually found a lead on a professor at Stony Brook University who may drop by to provide a presentation.

Communicating Science

The articles placed a large focus on the aspect of communication in the research setting. Communication is important for progress and improvements. In research, the scientist may specialize in a certain field, but the scientist will not know every single detail of the subject. The key is to communicate with other researchers and work along with them in a collaborative effort to solve problems. With communication, researchers are also able to discover if they’re projects have already been done or are being finalized. If you are working on a already discovered topic then it would be a waste of time. Moreover, communication allows for researchers to spot out errors in their methods and to pin point their routes for experimentation.

One interesting point is that communication can also lead to barriers. False information can be given or incorrect criticisms. In addition, some researchers feel as if they have to keep their information a secret in order to keep others from stealing their ideas. One example would be Rosalind Franklin and her contribution to the DNA helix structure. She worked on x-ray diffractioning and she communicated her ideas with Watson and Cricke. Watson and Cricke then used her information to complete their image of the DNA double helix model. Ultimately, communication promotes scientific discover, but it should be used with caution.

Week 5 Team Boomer-aang

This week we were trying to decide on whether or not we should switch topics. The reason for this is because none of the professors were able to respond to our requests to come in to present in our cafe. Consequently, if we changed the topics it may be easier to discuss them. The topics to switch to is from Nuclear Power to Dark Energy. Dark Energy was chosen as a topic because of the information in the seminar trip that sparked our interests. However, we decided that it would be best to just remain on Nuclear Power. I already did some research on NP so it would be counterproductive to start a new topic. Ultimately, we will continue with NP, but we may just present ourselves.

Chapter 5 + 8

Chapter 5 discussed heavily on the aspect of interest in informal learning. Deborah L. Perry explained her model of curiosity, confidence, challenge, control, play, and communication. I believe that learning is done effectively only when there is a large interest for the topic. As a child, I was fascinated by nature documentaries. This interest pushed me to learn even more. I would go to the library ever day just to learn more about the animals that I saw on my screen. Just that interest and curiosity alone pushed me to learn more about nature. I believe that this interest has molded me into having a stronger scientific mind. Although, I did read somewhere before that learning and retaining information is not related to interest. I cannot find the source, but there was a study that explained that even if you are interested in a topic, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will retain the information better than if you were not interested. This probably means that the interest acts as a catalyst that would push someone to learn even more even if it didn’t mean that they would retain information better.

Chapter 8 was about the learning stages in someones life. I related this to my siblings. I’ve seen them grow up as babies to children and it is amazing how much they have learned relative to the time spent learning. They are able to grasp concepts and remember them at an incredibly fast rate and it is true that largest amount of learning happens before 18 years of age. As a pre-med student, I feel as if I will spend my whole life learning. This is because if I am responsible for saving someones life then my mind has to be as sharp as possible. An interesting topic that I learned during my time researching in a neuropathology lab is that people who do stop learning have a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The reason because of this possibly because if we stop conditioning our minds with knowledge, we end up using our neuronal pathways much less and he connections start to blur out. Consequently, professions that require a high maintenance of learning and conditioning tend to have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Week 4 Reflection Team Boomer-aang

This week I did some more research on nuclear power. I might work on a pamphlet on some topics we could discuss and some information we could use. However, I might not use the pamphlet as that might create a bias in the discussion/debate. Regardless, it is good to have the information organized.

Some of the information that I learned are:

In a debate concerning NP hosted by The Economist Magazine , almost 2/3 of the people said no to expanding on NP.

Apparently the technology is read for the market. However, I believe that NP needs more research on waste disposal. If we can figure out how to eradicate the waste efficiently, then it may bring NP to the forefront of the energy production industry.

It poses a huge target for terrorism. I found this very frightening as another three mile island incident can scar the image of NP in the U.S.

Uranium is also limited in supply. In addition, majority of known uranium around the world lies under land controlled by tribes or indigenous peoples who don’t support it being mined from the earth.


Chapter 7 SBS

Equal education and opportunities was the main focus on this chapter. I come from a highly underprivileged background, with both of my parents not going to college or having enough money to support my academic needs. I completely understand the point that those with money have the opportunities to advance further. However, there is also the argument that you can only go as far as your mind lets you. If you are smart enough and have the motivation you can still get far. You will not have as many doors open, but you still have the chance to go far in life. Education and learning experiences should not be taken away from those of a certain race, class, or disability.

The chapter was also about catering towards the needs of these non-dominating groups. Since there is a gap between education and these groups, it is important to bridge these gaps by finding these needs. Some example are making making special ethnic programs,  free events, disability accessible locations. I believe that these programs not only bring the underreppresented community closer, but also allows for progress in the community as a whole as it encourages a greater congregation of ideas and learning.

Three (Team Boomeraang)

For this week, we had numerous problems over where to hold the cafe. After contacting to hold a spot in the MCH building, we stumbled accross the problem that our cafe could not be on the same day as the seminar 3 presentations. We decided to hold the cafe on a different day. We will hold it on a friday because many of the MCH students are already in the building and there is space available to hold the cafe.

Another problem is that we have yet to receive word from professionals who would want to speak in the cafe. We decided that if no one would want to participate, that we would just host the cafe ourselves. There will be food to provide the cafe feeling. Also, we would provide pamphlets for some background information on the topic. There is a possibility that the cafe will be structured as a walk-in, but we are probably going to let people sit and discuss.