Introduction and Bioblitz Reflection

My name is Syed Raza. I am currently planning to major in Chemistry along with following a pre-dental track. I hope to graduate Dental school and then to specialize in Orthodontics (Braces).  

I hope this class can help me see the role science plays in our community and environment. I also hope to better understand how the public perceives science, as it will be important to understand the average persons stigmas and stereotypes of science. As for how this could help me in my future goals,  I hope it will help me be more empathetic to those with less knowledge on subjects and to be better equipped to help them understand or participate.

During the Central Park Bioblitz, my group surveyed Lichen. Lichen are extremely important pioneer species in young ecosystems and their presence is crucial to biodiversity and having a thriving ecosystem. During our survey we tried to see how many species we could find. Unfortunately, over the years the number of species of Lichen has went down in central park because they are very sensitive to pollution, making them good markers of how polluted an area is.  Lichen also have other uses such as in dyes. From the few scientists I spoke to, it seemed they were also very interested in surveying how many species of certain animals they could find, as biodiversity is an important issue, especially with rising temperatures, ozone pollution, and air pollution.

I think as citizens of New York City, it is important for us to appreciate the wildlife and greenery inside our parks. There are many dangers to them such as construction, pollution, invasive species, ecosystem disturbances and more. We need to advocate for them because they are important in maintaining our environment. This activity helped me see things I would never notice before, such as tree rot and how much lichen and life can be found on a single tree.

At first I was disappointed that I was put in such a boring group. Why see lichen when you can see moving mammals or bats? However, as I participated in the activity, I realized Lichen are fascinating in their own right.  I was surprised that there was so much variety in types of lichen and how they all how distinct differences that let you identify them. I learned how important they are to other animals and that Lichen are actually two animals (Symbiotic). An interesting fact I learned was that you can eat them in survival situations, although they aren’t that tasteful. Overall it was a very mind-opening activity and I would participate in another given the chance.

2 thoughts on “Introduction and Bioblitz Reflection

  1. I am glad that once you got into it you found the lichen interesting! Many people are more attracted to the walking/crawling, but lichen are equally important members of our community! I did not know about lichen and dyes, interesting fact! Were you prompted to look up any information about lichen on your own because of your BB experience?

  2. Yes, I was really surprised by how important they were! Quite interesting too. To answer your question, no, I felt that the experience taught me all I needed to about them.

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