Reflection on “The 95 Percent Solution”

Larry Markel

Professor Adams



“The 95 Percent Solution” Reflection

I thought that the article “The 95 Percent Solution” by Falk and Dierking was a very interesting read that not only caught my attention but also took me by surprise.  The first paragraph mentions a point that not only gives the article its name, but also plays a large role in the issue. “Average Americans spend less than 5 percent of their life in class-rooms” ( 1). It is amazing that most of what I know about science primarily comes from that 5 percent portion. Dierking and Falk state that while such formal learning is very important, it is also a good idea to gather information from other places such as parks, museums, and other community activities.

I agree with both of them in the regards to learning outside of the classroom. I believe that it is important to be smart in both settings. Later on in the article, it is mentioned that science learning in America is far more prevalent as the students get older and that 16 percent of K-5 teachers have never taught a single thing related to science in their classrooms. I think that students from an early age should be brought up to understand the world around them and at least be taught to some degree the science behind it and how to think more scientifically.

After reading the article, I thank Macaulay for giving me and my classmates the opportunity to be part of the 95 percent solution during the bioblitz. I went out to a famous New York City park and observed various species of organisms and was taught by the guide expert how to think scientifically about what I saw and ask the right questions about what I observed.

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