Chapter 2 Reflection

After reading Chapter 2 in “Surrounded by Science” I am even more confused as to what the study of science really is all about. The chapter begins trying to describe the different types of scientists and how they form a community of education and learning. On one hand, the community is unified and strong in its commitment to research and exploration of all fields of science. On the other, the community is divided by different methods of communicating and practices. They are further divided by culture and political values, something that I never knew to define science and the way it is taught and understood.

The chapter then tries to sort itself out by going through six strands of science learning. The strands are interesting, with strands one and three resonating with me in a more personal way than the rest. But the organization of the lesson is scientific in itself. When I was in second grade, and was asked to explain a word, I was not allowed to explain it using the word itself. My teacher said that that is not a true explanation. Reading the strands, I felt that way about the explanation that it tried to give. It was using scientific method to teach about method. This may be the best way to teach it, and convey the lesson, but something felt lacking in the chapter, perhaps for this reason.

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