Chapter 2 Reflection

This chapter touches base on the strands of learning science. The first strand of learning is sparking interest. The chapter states that people’s interests are initially sparked through engagement and activities in an informal setting. Although this somewhat true, I also believe that interest can be sparked through a formal setting. Many of us who are pre-med and aspire to become doctors interested in science because of what was taught to us in school, rather than because of what we have experienced in museums.

The second strand relates to using the knowledge learned. The chapter discusses how a video on the Galapagos Island can challenge viewers to apply what they have learned in the video about natural selection to their daily life. However one fault I see in this is that, some viewers may not easily see this connection and therefore be able to see it only in the context of the video or experiment.

The third strand is engaging in scientific reasoning. This is when people use their own understanding of science and are able to form questions and build upon it. People are able to draw conclusions from their own observations. The chapter states the visitors to science centers have the opportunity to do this. However, I believe that even real life experiences at work allow this. Yet for those who are not exposed to science, visiting science centers is probably the best way.

The fourth strand is reflecting on science. Science is always changing and the chapter states that the best way to be exposed to this change is through an informal setting. I agree with this statement in that, people are able to experience the change and therefore learn from it as well as understand it. The fifth strand is using the tools to understand science. Science has its own language and the only way to understand it is by being involved in the science community.

The last strand talks about science as an enterprise. Science can become career and the chapter states that by being involved in the science community can increase people’s interest in science. Although this may be true, I think that people can also gain interest in the field and want to pursue a career in science through formal learning as well.

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