SbS Chapter 4 Reflection

Informal science and formal science have a strong connection. In order to have the full effect of an informal science learning experience, certain techniques that are present in formal science settings are necessary. One such item is the method of conversation. As seen in the chapter, there are various types of communication and conversation that develops and takes place in these informal settings. However, the most effective form of conversation and the one in which the most learning occurs is when the parent/adult probes the child. The adult switches between “teacher” and more informal tones in order to engage the child in the most productive way. In such a manner, the child is able to gain the most out of his/her experience.

This type of conversation should not be limited to a “formal” informal setting, such as a museum exhibit. This type of conversation can be expanded to the dinner table, television shows, walks in the park, playtime at the playground, etc. In such a conversation, the child is able to learn so much more. A child has a lot of understanding and ideas of various things in life; he/she just needs someone to encourage him/her to share her ideas and thoughts. And, with this form of communication, both child and parent are able to have the most enjoyable and productive experience.

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