Week 1

This week was a test trial week for our experiment. We had planned on working with Meteon Network in which we would collect daily weather and input it into a global database that would map the world’s weather. However, Sherilyne as well as I had trouble registering with the site and therefore abandoned this citizen science project for a new one. We are now doing the citizen science project iSeeChange: The Almanac. This citizen science project is very similar to the original idea, in that it hopes to map out weather patterns, however with a focus in America. iSeeChange hopes to discover how extreme weather patterns have affects Americans. This projects is very relevant with the odd October weather we are having, with temperatures in the 60s and 70s in mid October. This is very unusual for this season as temperatures usually range in the 50s by now.

Despite the change in citizen science project, we still plan on taking daily pictures of the weather and posting them to a website. Furthermore, we hope to plan a trip to the airport and Central Park’s Balvedere Castle in order to learn more about the weather of New York City and how it is measured and predicted. As suggested by classmates we hope to speak to a radio station as well as Professor Boger regarding weather patterns and the changes that we have seen throughout the years. With the new citizen science project we hope to learn more about how weather has been changing not only in New York City but nationwide and see patterns throughout the nation.

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