Science and Art

The readings discuss the similarities between Art and Science. The article,  Art as a Way of Knowing states that “art is a fundamental part of being human and that learning in and through the arts is a serious form of interacting with the world by engaging with its questions, formulating ideas, and deepening knowledge.” Similarly science can be defined as a method in which people try to explain the phenomena of the natural world through “engaging with [the] questions” that the world proposes, “formulating ideas” or theories to explain these questions which in turn deepen our knowledge. Art is meant to be viewed and thought about and aims to open the viewer’s mind to a new idea or perception of the world around us. Similarly scientific discoveries do the same as it causes one to think and ponder about the certain phenomena and maybe change our perception on how we view the world.

The second article, The Art of the Brain presents how scientific data can be viewed as art. Brainbow is a piece of artwork that is made by mapping the neurons of a mouse and genetically engineering them to fluoresce. The article states that many artists use scientific equipment such as microscopes and create art from bacteria colonies that can be seen from a slide. There are exhibits, which show the beauty of nature and living things through art. I found this very interesting because many people separate these two fields and categorize them to be completely different from the other. But the article proves that scientists can also be artists through the data that they portray and the visuals that they present. It also shows that artists can be scientists as artists use observations and present their view of the world around them through colors or figures, which are similar to scientists who also use figures to present the data they have received from observing the world around them.


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