Project Update #2

This week I began posting on the website, Each of us are posting once a week. However, we can post more than once a week on the website. These were my posts for this week:

October 23, 2013

Fall is definitely in the air. The days and nights have gotten chillier. The sun seems to appear and disappear. First, I walk outside, seeing the sun and feeling that the temperature will be moderate, and then I walk out again and find that I’m not dressed properly for this cool fall weather!

October 25, 2013

The air is so cold in Brooklyn today! The sun is out, shining, yet the fall chill has settled in.

Aside from this, I have been emailing my group members every week to make sure that they remember to take pictures, to post on the website, and to also remember to blog on this eportfolio page.  We are still in the works with trying to get our trips to places sorted out and will hopefully be visiting places soon. We have created a website for our group, but it is still underway and in the process of being used regularly. I have posted once and plan on posting again soon. I have asked the other group members for their input for what we should put on it as well. I will begin to start researching for our group paper and also will start to think about how to make our digital deliverable. I will also continue to observe the weather and will continue to blog about it.

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