Reflection on SBS chapter 7

Ilanit Zada

Science and Technology in NYC

Professor Adams


This weeks assigned reading was chapter seven in Surrounded by Science by Fenichel and Shweingruber. This chapter emphasized the importance of making informal science settings accessible to everyone: people with disabilities as well as people from other nationalities. The chapter then goes through several things in the museum that have been integrated to accommodate a larger audience.

I believe that this is an extremely important concept. I have a relative that was extremely sick. After undergoing several procedures to cure this illness, she was told that her body did not react well to the surgeries and she would no longer see. Being the positive person that she is, she did not let this stand in the way of living a happy life. However, when her children wanted to attend a museum, she refused to accompany them saying that she would not take be able to part in anything, and therefore it would be better if she simply stayed home. However, recently, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has made workshops for individuals who are blind or partially sighted. These workshops make art accessible to such adults using senses other than seeing, including descriptions and touch. This lady is so grateful that there is a way for her to attend the museums and watch her children grow, even with her disability. She never wanted anything to stand in the way of her happiness (especially because of her recent predicament) and now with museums and other areas taking that into account, she does not have to worry about it.

I believe that this woman is not the first and definitely will not be the last to acknowledge the efforts of the museum in making everyone feel wanted and capable of attending. The way to do is to make different workshops and exhibits designed specifically for such people and it is almost certain that those benefitting from them will appreciate it greatly.

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