Reflection: SbS Chapter 7

I agree with the chapter that it is very important to include all groups of culture, religion, and ability in the informal science settings. I really enjoyed the ways in which the museum strived to include people of disabilities in the museum exhibits. It was also interesting how the museum tried to create museum exhibits that would attract different cultural communities to the museum. It was especially important to incorporate these themes and ideas as a new community was beginning to grow in the area.

This chapter reminded me of ideas from the reading on Jamaica Bay.  It discussed the conflict that sometimes arises between science and religion and how the conflict is reconciled. Here, the chapter emphasizes how sometimes it is the science side that is causing more of the issue. There, it showed how sometimes religion can interfere with the natural environment and discussed ways in which religions and cultures can benefit the environment, while still observing their rituals and customs. Here, the chapter points out that sometimes science is not so open and inviting to all cultures and religions. It was very interesting to see how the informal science settings are working on changing some of the exhibits and ways in which science is taught and learned in their settings in order to incorporate and engage various religions, cultural communities and people with disabilities.

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