SbS Chapters 5 and 8

I really like the six component model discussed in Chapter 5.  I find that these 6 points are good ways to examine whether an exhibit will engage the visitor or not and whether it will pique his interest or not. Having these components in place ensure that the visitor will enjoy the exhibit and hopefully take something out of it. However, with these museum exhibits, it is difficult to maintain long term interest. A visitor may enjoy the exhibit, but once he leaves the museum, he may not do anything with his interest. The only way to really maintain this interest is by having a long term project. In this manner, the interest in itself is longer lasting and the “visitor” is more of a participant, which thereby creates in him an identity with the science.

I really enjoyed how the chapter broke down the course of science education throughout the life span. I found the points to be really on target and true in my own personal experiences. Many of the points they made were expressed in my Everyday Science paper. I noticed these differences of people’s attachments to science based on their various ages (school, occupation, etc.) I also found it interesting how across all ages, interacting with science is the way in which all people enjoy learning about science the most. No matter what age, just about every person prefers a hands-on experience than listening to a lecture.

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