11.19.13 Reflection

As the articles mention, science is not all about research and finding new things. A large part of the process is presenting the findings to the public. However, as the Scientist Citizens article  mentions many people overlook this part and some scientists are not properly trained to present to the public. As a result, the public becomes less interested in science since they are not able to understand the concept or relate to it in some form or another. Capably Communicating Science states that communicating to the public is an important skill especially when trying persuade Congress or the general public in voting in favor of science. However, if scientists are not able to communicate their ideas and finding properly, people will easily become discouraged and tend not to promote the sciences. The article gives an example using stem research. The article states that according to studies, people support studies that correlate with their culture or religion.For this reason, stem cell research has been getting a lot of backlash from the public. The article states that instead of informing the public about stem cell research using hard facts, scientists should try to relate the topic to them in order to gain more support and in turn making scientists seem more amiable and “humane” contrary to some viewpoints.

I agree with these three articles. As mentioned in the textbook, people tend to enjoy learning about things that relate to them. For example, the older generation like learning about health and trying to stay healthy while their health slowly deteriorates. Also, people will be more willing to learn about the environment and the climate when it addresses how the changes will affect their lives. These are some points that scientists need to take into consideration when doing their deliverable.  Public speaking, as we see, is a skill needed in all fields of study not only the liberal arts. And although, I fear public speaking, since I aspire to do research I know that the skill will become in handy when I wish to present my research in terms of how I present. Furthermore, the points brought up in these articles are also something that we will consider when doing our final project.


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