Reflection on Science and Communication

As I reflect on this topic of science and communication, I am reminded of something we talked about very early in the semester. For some reason, when I think about scientists communicating their findings, I imagine the pictures of the scientists in their lab coats that we thought about early in the semester. I think a big reason that this is on my mind is because of the jargon I always come across reading a scientific finding from a peer-reviewed journal. While I understand that this is not the way that most people come across their science learning, I have always had a very difficult time understanding anything being said in these journals. I believe that there needs to be improvement editing these journals or perhaps summarizing the findings of these papers so that the layperson like myself can understand what is being said without having to read it several times.

Another reason this image comes to mind is something discussed in class and in one of the articles which is the issue of Science and Religion. For the most part, science views religion as simply a hindrance to growth. Of course religion is something that is based on belief and not evidence, but I think if the scientific community made a more concerted effort to see eye to eye with the religious community as opposed to giving off more of a superior, elitist attitude that religion is simply false and childsplay, more people would be sympathetic to the scientific community and would accept what they are told from the scientific community.

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