Jennifer Mikhli-Surrounded by Science Chapter 4

Chapter four of Surrounded by Science places a tremendous importance on how learning is enhanced through social interaction and conversation. It brings up various conversations that have transpired in informal science learning environments and points out the ways in which these dialogues have facilitated learning. What I found to be most striking was the discussion of how a simple task of even watching television could be far more engaging if social interaction is at play. That notion brought me back to my own experiences as a child watching television with my older sister. Because my sister was quite older than myself, six years older to be exact, watching television with her was a learning experience within itself. Certain ideas and concepts that were presented on screen were elucidated through her comments and our dialogues with each other as we watched programming together. For example,  intricate plots on shows like Law and Order or Alias became unraveled through the ongoing comments we had with each other as we watched the shows. Upon looking back upon those fond memories, I truly understood how learning could be made better via social interaction.

I recalled yet another child experience upon delving through my mind to bring up evidence to bolster this claim. This memory had to do with an informal science opportunity as well. I recalled going to the Hall of Science in elementary school and interacting with all the different stations there. I remember my mind being pulled in so many directions and not being quite sure which exhibit to traverse next. I remember being pulled to a particular exhibit, however, because of the social interaction that lurked in its midsts. There was one stations where we were to make elephant dung paper with the assistance of a worker in the museum. I remember laughing with the staff at how ludicrous the notion of making paper out of dung was. Out of all the intricate and interactive exhibits, I had learned most and remembered most from that one due to the social component that loomed there. Ultimately, I agree with the emphasis that this chapter places on the enhancement of these learning experience via social interaction and conversation.

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