Two (Team Boomer-aang)

For this week’s work, I sent out emails to the professionals Professor Adams had suggested.

I sent the following email out to Professor Ugoritz:

I am a Brooklyn College Macaulay student in Professor Adam’s seminar 3 class (science & technology of New York).  For our required community project, my group and I would like to organize a science café.  The café would inform participants about nuclear power, specifically the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power as an alternative power source.  We plan to invite professional to speak on the subject, as well as allowing open discussion amongst the participants.

My group and I would like to use the Macaulay Building’s lecture hall to conduct this event.  Would this be plausible, and if so, would we be able to host it one on the same day as one of the Seminar 3 presentation days in November?

Thank you for your time.  Hope all is well with you.

Professor Adams suggested using the cabaret space instead of the lecture hall for a more informal feeling, so I’m weight the pros and cons of the two spaces.  The lecture hall has a projector and a mini-stage, and we could set up tables to make it feel more informal.  Yet the cabaret space is definitely more informal than the hall, and also has a mini stage; however, I do not think there is a projector.  I will speak with Professor Ugoretz when he replies and figure out which space is available and times.

I emailed Mr. Charles W. Lowery II of the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History:

I am currently a second year student at Macaulay Honors College (Brooklyn College).  A group of classmates and I are organizing a citizen science café about nuclear science, and our professor, Ms. Jennifer Adams, recommended we contact you about resources for this project, including potential guest speakers.  We would very much appreciate you help.

Thank you for your time.  Hope all is well with you.

Hopefully Mr. Lowry will be able to provide some resources for us.

I also emailed several people who presented a panel on Citizen Science, and will be emailing more of them tomorrow:

I am currently a second year student at Macaulay Honors College (Brooklyn College).  My professor, Jane Adams, recently attended a science conference in which you presented on citizen science cafés, specifically for teenagers.  A group of my classmates and I are currently organizing a citizen science café about nuclear science for a similar age group.  

We was wondering if you have any advice or resources you would be able to share with us for organizing this event.

Thank you for your time.  Hope all is well with you.

Finally, I have decided to contact a bakery to see if they would be willing to cater for the event, and will be speaking with Professor Ugoretz to see if there are plans to cater for the seminar 3 presentations, in case they are done on the same day.

I posted a status about nuclear power on facebook, and it seems the prospect and dangers of nuclear power seem to interest my peers the most.  Three of my friends are very eager to attend.

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