Week 2

This week has had some very interesting weather changes. Sunday still had some breezy and sunny weather. Monday also maintained that comfortable yet slightly chilly temperatures. Tuesday was a confusing day as far as the weather wen. The temperature was high 40’s to low 50’s. For the first few hours, it was cloudy. Then it got really warm and sunny. Then, just an hour or so later, it was cloudy again and began to drizzle. This back and forth went on for the remainder of the day. Wednesday through the weekend was met with typical fall weather- breezy cool days, with relatively sunny skies, and evening temperatures dropping to the low 40’s (and even high 30’s). It seems that a month late into the Fall season, Fall has finally arrived.

I think that at this point, I need to discuss with my group members what are exact take on weather in NY we wish to take. In this manner, I can then begin to look for some journal articles that may help us in our research, in an effort to organize all our data and information into a coherent piece.

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